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(2) 6/8cm GIRTH (4) Pom-pom (2) Clear selection (Form) Bush (159) 1/2 STD (53) Multi-Stem (3) 1/4 STD (24) Pom-pom (1) 3 Balls (2) Bonsai (2) Espalier (12) Ball (9) Umbrella (4) Pleached (3) Clear selection (Spec. 1) 90cm x 50cm Panel (4) 150cm x 55cm Panel (2) 130cm x 80cm Panel (1) 120cm x 90cm Panel (5) 100cm x 100cm Panel (4) Clear selection (Spec. 2) Peat Free (10) Clear selection Clear selection A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Clear selection 1 - 20 of 20 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: MAGNOLIA 'Genie'A deciduous shrub, compact, narrow and upright growth. Dark burgundy-red flowers that retain their dark colour until they drop. Height to 3 metres.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838384680 18L Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA 'Susan'A deciduous small tree with dark burgundy buds, these open to reveal flowers that are burgundy outside, paler inside. Best grown in moisture retentive soils, in a sunny po...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838153293 18L 100-125cm Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA 'Susan'A deciduous small tree with dark burgundy buds, these open to reveal flowers that are burgundy outside, paler inside. Best grown in moisture retentive soils, in a sunny po...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838463330 7-10L Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA grandiflora 'Galissonniere'MAGNOLIA grand. 'Gallisoniensis' A conical shaped evergreen with very fragrant, cupped-shapecreamy-white flowers in summer.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838146554 18L 80-100cm Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA grandiflora 'Little Gem'Evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves. The fragrant cupshaped creamy white flowers are produced in summer.A dwarf selection that flowers when younger.Height 3 metres.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838320657 7-10L Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA grandiflora 'Little Gem'Evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves. The fragrant cup shaped creamy white flowers are produced in summer. A dwarf selection that flowers when younger. Height 3 metres.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838578607 15-18L 1/2 STD 11.0000 MAGNOLIA liliiflora 'Nigra'A deciduous, bushy, spreading shrub. Goblet-shaped dark vinous purple flowers late April/June. Requires a rich moisture retentive soil in a sunny sheltered position. Heigh...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838150322 7-10L Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA stellataDeciduous shrub ideal for the small garden. Fragrant, pure white star shaped flowers in spring. Prefers rich moisture retentive soil in a sunny sheltered site. Compact, ro...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838463323 7-10L Bush .0000 MAGNOLIA X soulangeanaDeciduous wide spreading shrub with large white, tulip-shaped flowers flushed crimson in spring. Prefers a rich, moisture retentive soil, in a sunny sheltered site. Height 4.5 metres x 3.0 metres.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838151480 7-10L Bush .0000 MAHONIA x media 'Charity'An evergreen large upright shrub. The long spikes of fragrant yellow flowers appear through autumn and early winter. Suits most soils and positions. Height 2 metres x 1 metre.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838154658 18L 60-80cm Bush .0000 MAHONIA x media 'Charity'An evergreen large upright shrub. The long spikes of fragrant yellow flowers appear through autumn and early winter. Suits most soils and positions. Height 2 metres x 1 metre.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838615029 7-10L Bush .0000 Malus domestica 'Belle de Boskoop' (Apple)A culinary or dessert apple. Green-yellow fruits flushedred-orange. Good, regular crops. Pollination group 3. Triploid - needs 2 pollination partners of different varieties.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838687446 35L Espalier 120cm x 90cm Panel 5.0000 Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious' (Apple)Dessert apple. Heavy and regular cropper requires a warm site. Pick October.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838526639 15L 1/2 STD 9.0000 Malus domestica 'Granny Smith' (Apple)Originally found in Australia, of unknown parentage. Apple green in colour, acidic, sharp crisp taste.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838526653 15L 1/2 STD 9.0000 Malus domestica 'Reine de Reinettes' (Apple)A medium sized tree, vigorous and goes quickly to fruit.Medium sized yellow, orange-red striped fruits with crisp, juicy flesh and a sweet, lightly acid flavour.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838687590 35L Espalier 120cm x 90cm Panel 5.0000 Malus domestica 'Reinette du Canada' (Apple)Dessert / cooking Apple. A very late season mediumsize Apple tree. Greenish-yellow gold coloured,medium to large sized fruit with a dry, crisptexture and a sharp-sweet flavour. Excellent keeper.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838681932 35L Espalier 120cm x 90cm Panel 5.0000 Mespilus germanica (MEDLAR)MESPILUS germanica An attractive small tree, flat topped, with a spreading semi weeping habit. Large, pure white flowers, large hairy leaves turn a russet-copper colour in...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838523997 15L 1/2 STD 11.0000 MYRTUS communisJapanese Privet A compact, medium-sized, very dense shrub with shining olive-green foliage. Bears large panicles of white flowers in late summer. Evergreen, ideal for scre...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838161779 3L Bush .0000 MYRTUS communisJapanese Privet A compact, medium-sized, very dense shrub with shining olive-green foliage. Bears large panicles of white flowers in late summer. Evergreen, ideal for scre...Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838526745 7-10L Bush .0000 MYRTUS communis tarentinaEvergreen shrub of compact habit. The small narrow aromatic leaves are dark green. The flower buds are pink, opening to white bowl shaped flowers, followed by berries.Height 1.5 metres.Available to order Login to see pricing 8051838159820 3L Bush .0000